Monday, March 2, 2015

3 Types of Disability Insurance Claims

Logic Insurance (Disability Insurance) - Disability Insurance claims are the type of cases which personal injury lawyers usually handle. It is usually necessary to hire the services of a legal professional once your initial claim has been denied.

There are a number of capable law firms which can help remedy your legal situation. They will help you throughout the whole process of appealing your case.

3 Types of Disability Claims

For the sake of those who are not familiar with the differences between the disability insurance claims, perhaps it is necessary to explain what sets them apart from each other.

Social Security Disability

First, there is the Social Security Disability (SSDI). It provides income to people who are unable to work due to their disabilities. How much you receive per month, will depend on the amount of money you were able to put into the system by means of paycheck reduction. In extreme cases, when the disability is severe, the SSDI is also made available for the children of the recipient.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The second type of disability claim is called the Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Basically, it is remarkably similar to the SSDI. However, it is reserved for people belonging to the low-income bracket who were never able to find any type of work due to their disabilities. This process demands applicants to pass the necessary eligibility requirements.

Veterans Disability

The last type is the Veterans Disability. As the name suggests, this is reserved for the military veterans. It is for those who sustained service-related injuries or those who have developed illnesses as a result of their actions in the line of active duty. The amount one gets is dependent on the severity of the injuries themselves, and the number of dependents the claimant has.

Hiring Personal Injury Lawyers

Hiring legal counsel will be the smart move for you. The first thing they will do is to get an independent medical examination. This will serve as additional proof of your disability. The lawyers that you hire will be the ones to fight against the administrative red tape. You won't need to burden yourself with unnecessary stress. Let your lawyers do their work. There is a reason why they are lawyers after all. If done right, you will be able to get your benefits in no time at all.

logic insurance

Claims can be denied for any number of reasons. For instance, it can be as straightforward as needing additional documentation. It can also be due to your paperwork containing wrong information or other errors. 

However, as it sometimes happens, the reason as to why your application was denied can be caused by the Social Security Administration or the Veterans administration disagreeing with your claim. They can say that you do not fit the criteria for the disability claim. They can state that you do not fit their definition of someone with physical or psychological disabilities.(Article Source)
